Indokote SIL600 is single component, Silicone Acrylic resin based high temperature aluminum coating. It is designed to provide dry heat resistant up to 600 °C. It can be used as primer, mid coat or finish coat in atmospheric environments. It is suitable for properly prepared carbon steel, galvanised steel, stainless steel and aluminium substrates.
Indokote SIL600 can be directly applied outside storage tanks, furnace, pipe stack, exhaust stacks, ducting radiator, boiler fronts, Chimney as well as structural steel & other surfaces operating at elevated temperatures. Strongly recommended in combination with an inorganic zinc silicate coating as primer, providing heat resistance up to 600 °C and long term corrosion protection.
Metallic Silver
Soild by Volume
45 ± 2%
Flash Point
25° C
Dry Heat Resistance
up to 600°C
Shelf Life
12 months
Recommended film thickness per coat
Dry Film Thickness
15-25μ in single coat
Wet Film Thickness
50-85μ in single coat
Therotical Coverage Rate
15.00 / lit at recommended DFT of 20µ
All surfaces to be coated should be clean, absolutely dry and oil or moisture free before painting application. Oil and grease should be removed by solvent cleaning.
Primed Surface : Indokote SIL400 is suitable for application to steelwork freshly coated with zinc silicate shop primers. If the zinc shop primer shows extensive or widely scattered breakdown, or excessive zinc corrosion products, overall sweep blasting will be necessary. Ensure that the zinc primer is fully cured prior to the application of SIL 400.
Steel : Abrasive blast clean to a minimum of Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007). Surface defects revealed by the blast cleaning process should be ground, filled, or treated in the appropriate manner. A surface profile of 30-40 microns is recommended.
Repair & Maintenance : Indokote SIL600 can be applied directly over aged HR Aluminium coating following thorough fresh water washing and degreasing provided the coating to be overcoated is in an intact and tightly adherent condition. Loose or flaking coatings should be removed back to a firm edge and SIL600 or an appropriate primer should be used to repair the area before application of the full coat.
Application Method
Spray/ Airless Spray/Brush/ Roller
Mixing Ration
One Component Coating
Thinner and Cleaner
Not Recommended. IK.1909 can be use max 5%.
Airless Nozzle Orifice
0.28 - 0.33mm
Nozzle Pressure
112 kg/cm² or 1500 psi